By Scotland Huber on Sunday, June 30, 2019
Category: News

JHF Welcomes Former Journalist to Communications Team

Bonnie Pfister joined JHF as health writer/communications specialist in June. She has assumed editorship of the monthly Window newsletter, and will be assisting with writing, editing and other needs around the Liftoff PGH 2020 conference as well as in support of WHAMglobal, and the adolescent behavioral health initiative.

Pfister has long been interested and engaged in issues around women's access to health care, particularly reproductive health and wellness. She was active with another WHAM – the activist Women's Health Action & Mobilization – in New York City, and later created content for the launch of the mobile birth control concierge for the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.

A journalist for more than a dozen years, Pfister specialized in economic and business issues as a staffer for The Associated Press, as well as daily and weekly publications in New York City and across Texas, reporting frequently from the border and throughout Mexico. A native of McKees Rocks, she gum-banded back to the region in 2006 for a stint the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review before joining the Allegheny Conference on Community Development. There she created and managed multi-media content for its website supporting the 2009 G-20 Pittsburgh Summit, as well as for its award-winning workforce website/job search engine

Pfister earned a dual Magazine Journalism and International Relations degree from Syracuse University, and speaks Spanish and French.