JAMA Article on Building Trust in Health Care Cites Contribution by Karen Feinstein
Type: News
Focus Area: Patient Safety

JHF President and CEO Karen Wolk Feinstein received a citation in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) for her contribution to a February 2019 article, "A Framework for Increasing Trust Between Patients and the Organizations That Care for Them." The article was inspired by "[Re]Building Trust," an American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Foundation conference of healthcare leaders attended by Dr. Feinstein. It's the first in a series of articles on Trust in Health Care running in JAMA.
The July 2018 ABIM conference was motivated by concern over the "growth of the 'post-fact, post-truth' environment … in which people come to doubt scientific facts," said ABIM President Richard Baron, MD. "Trust is fraying in society broadly and in health care in particular, and that will have dramatic consequences for the healthcare system."
Dr. Feinstein was part of a "Wise Crowds" exercise to determine how to enhance trust in health care. As reported in the conference's summary, she "recommended an emphasis on teamwork, which she said was responsible for some of the best care she has seen delivered. She called for a focus on efforts to expand scope of practice for allied professionals and building respect among the health professions."
The JAMA article was written by Thomas H. Lee, MD, chief medical officer of Press Ganey; Elizabeth A. McGlynn, PhD, executive director of the Kaiser Permanente Center for Effectiveness and Safety Research; and Dana Gelb Safran, ScD, chief performance measurement & improvement officer, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts.
Dr. Feinstein was cited among the 14 healthcare leaders whose contributions at the conference led to the conclusions in the article, which can be found here.