JHF Recognizes Fifth Anniversary of Oct. 27 Synagogue Shooting

Type: News

On the five-year anniversary of the attack at Pittsburgh's Tree of Life synagogue, the deadliest antisemitic attack in American history, the Jewish Healthcare Foundation honors the memory of victims of the horrific attacks on the Tree of Life, Dor Hadash, and New Light Congregations and stands resolute in supporting initiatives to address acts of intolerance, bigotry, violence, and hatred.

In September, JHF approved $200,000, or $50,0000 a year from 2023-2026, to implement Phase II of the Jewish Community Center's 10.27 Healing Partnership, supporting the expansion of its programming and services, including alternative healing therapies to a broader range of communities and individuals affected by trauma. The Healing Partnership is working with the Virtual Senior Academy at AgeWell at JCC to better serve seniors within and beyond Squirrel Hill. In recent months, the Partnership has been called on to serve a wide diversity of people in need.

Learn more in the video below.