Karen Feinstein’s Op-Ed in Pittsburgh Business Times Highlights Pittsburgh’s Safety Innovation History

Type: News

Focus Area: Patient Safety

Read the op-ed "Wolk Feinstein's Viewpoint: It Is Time to Revolutionize the Last Unsafe Industry" published October 13 by the Pittsburgh Business Times. Jewish Healthcare Foundation President and CEO, Karen Wolk Feinstein, PhD describes the impressive history of safety innovation across many industries in Pittsburgh, with health care remaining relatively untouched by the innovations in safety tech that transformed other complex, high-risk industries. Dr. Feinstein believes that our potential as an innovation hub for patient safety tech comes from our strong academic centers in both health sciences and technology and our start up culture. She calls for interdisciplinary, inter-institutional collaborations to advance progress with speed and excellence, highlighting that JHF and PRHI have: Assembled an advisory group of regional leaders to pursue national and federal grants; are funding new innovations through its RAPS Seed Grant Program; and are working toward making the region primed to be a global leader in safety technology.