BH Fellows is an educational loan repayment and training program for new and existing workers within the behavioral health system in Allegheny County.

The BH Fellows program offers:

  • Educational loan repayment (up to $25,000 for a bachelor’s degree OR up to $45,000 for a master’s degree) or free access to an approved professional certificate program (for tax purposes: student loan repayment funds are listed as an exception to participant's gross income; however, you should still consult a tax professional for advice regarding this exception and annual tax filings)
  • Paid time off for training and professional development as part of a cohort group, including a retreat and career enhancing connections
  • Assistance securing a meaningful job with a competitive salary

In exchange, fellows commit to work for a minimum of two years with a sponsoring behavioral health service provider in our region.

BH Fellows is a program of the Allegheny County Department of Human Services, and JHF is a primary partner in recruiting fellows and delivering the cohort experience. People who are new to the behavioral health field are encouraged to apply.

A Cohort Training Model

  • A conference room full of adults seated at round tables.
  • Five women seated at a round table talking.
  • Six women planting succulents in small pots.
  • Four adults seated at a table with one speaking into a hand held microphone.
  • A large conference room full of seated adults.
  • A conference room full of adults seated at round tables with a woman speaking at the front.
  • Four adults talk at a table with paper and colored pencils on the table.