Minority AIDS Initiative

Despite significant advances in medical care and treatment that allow people living with HIV (PLWH) to live long and healthy lives, disparities persist in accessing and remaining in quality HIV care in the United States due to structural challenges including housing instability, poverty, and transportation access.

As of 2022, it is estimated that*:

  • 76% of PLWH received any HIV medical care in 2022 (defined as at least one CD4 or viral load test)
  • 54%of PLWH were retained in HIV medical care in 2022 (defined as at least two CD4 or viral load tests at least three months apart)
  • 65%of PLWH were virally suppressed in 2022 (at their most recent viral load test)

*Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; data includes 49 jurisdictions with complete reporting of laboratory data

A group of people stands together and smiles at the camera.

About MAI

In April 2012, the Jewish Healthcare Foundation (JHF) was awarded the statewide Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Health, with funding from the Special Pharmaceutical Benefits Program to tackle this difficult problem.

Since the start of the MAI, JHF has partnered with over 20 AIDS Service Organizations (ASOs) across the state to improve the quality of patient services, develop or strengthen programs to re-engage individuals lost to HIV care, and reduce avoidable hospital readmissions for PLWH.

Currently, JHF manages grants to 11 agencies across the Commonwealth to provide outreach, health education, and risk reduction services to PLWH with the ultimate goal of reducing community viral load levels.

JHF also provides organization and staff training and coaching to MAI grantees to assist applying quality improvement techniques and adopting specific models of outreach and health education.

Twice a year, JHF facilitates a statewide learning session for partner agencies, providing an opportunity for peer-to-peer learning, organizational planning, and synthesis of successful strategies for re-engaging clients in care.