Program Manager, Aging Initiatives
Anneliese Perry is a program manager at the Jewish Healthcare Foundation. Her primary focus is working on initiatives which support older adults and individuals living with dementia. She is one of the state-wide coordinators for Dementia Friends Pennsylvania and Dementia Friendly Pennsylvania, global initiatives focused on decreasing stigma through educational outreach and creating inclusive communities for people living with dementia. Her current work also includes the Teaching Nursing Home Collaborative, an initiative focused on demonstrating how enhanced partnerships between academic nursing schools and skilled nursing facilities can improve quality outcomes and address workforce challenges. Since joining the Foundation in 2014, Perry has worked on several other initiatives including Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation grant, RAVEN (Reduce AVoidable hospitalizations using Evidence-based interventions for Nursing facilities), Patient Safety Fellowships, GRAN (intergenerational reading program) and Champions programs. Prior to joining JHF, Ms. Perry worked in both home and community-based services as well as long-term care. She holds a master’s degree in professional leadership from Carlow University and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Westminster College. She is a licensed nursing home administrator and is certified in ethics and compliance management from St. Louis University.