JHF Gives Leading Presentation on Senior Health Care of the Future at AJAS Conference

Innovators such as Amazon and Uber have disrupted the retail and transportation industries, and health care is not far Behind. With more than 72 million Baby Boomers in the United States driving consumer trends, these companies have se...
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Farrell Rubenstein, one of JHF’s architects, honored

On August 26, JHF trustees paid tribute to former Jewish Healthcare Foundation Board Chair Farrell Rubenstein for his roles both in creating the foundation as a legacy organization to Montefiore Hospital, and for his strong leadership ...
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Ed Gainey, Terry Starz Lead Fit with a Legislator; Upcoming Fit Events Sept. 7, 26

Some 25 participants joined state Rep. Ed Gainey and Jewish Healthcare Foundation board member Terry Starz, MD, for a walk August 20 as part of JHF's Fit with a Legislator program. Co-sponsored by JHF's Senior Connections and AARP...
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JHF Trustee Profile: Steve Irwin, equity partner at Leech Tishman

Steven D. Irwin, J.D., equity partner at Leech Tishman, is a Trustee of Jewish Healthcare Foundation, and Co-Chair of the Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative. He has served on numerous other civic and nonprofit boards. Current servic...
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Staff Profile: Sue Steele, Project Coordinator, HIV/AIDS Team

Growing up, Sue Steele thought she'd become an art teacher. The native of Vandergrift, Westmoreland County studied visual arts and arts education at Penn State University, with her first classroom job at a Pittsburgh public middle scho...
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Former JHF intern joins staff supporting maternal health initiative

Elizabeth Balskus joined the Jewish Healthcare Foundation on Aug. 12 as Quality Improvement Facilitator for Pennsylvania Perinatal Quality Collaborative. The collaborative, known as the PA PQC, was launched in April by JHF to bring tog...
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Consultant to assist with Liftoff PGH 2020

Kinsey Casey joined the Jewish Healthcare Foundation on August 19 as a consultant supporting next year's Liftoff PGH, a conference and ongoing process to position the Pittsburgh region as center for healthcare innovation. Casey comes t...
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Liftoff PGH: Regional stakeholders unite to prepare for September 2020 innovation summit

Thought leaders across various sectors of health care, research, and technology packed JHF's top-floor conference room last month to brainstorm plans for Liftoff PGH next year. Liftoff PGH is the much-anticipated un-conv...
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HIV/AIDS team earns substantial boost in state funding

 Several months of persistence by the Jewish Healthcare Foundation's HIV/AIDS team has paid off in a big way. On June 27, the Pennsylvania Department of Health announced it will provide an additional $895,388 for the 2019-2020 fis...
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PRHI concludes five-year Quality Innovation Network contract

The Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative has concluded its five-year Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organization subcontract with Quality Insights, successfully engaging 8,480 participants across five states in quality...
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Women of Impact gather in DC to strengthen leadership, consider action

Some 40 members of Women of Impact gathered in Washington DC last month to strengthen relationships and discuss actions – individual and shared – related to increasing women executive leadership and representation in health care, membe...
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Findings about Spain’s senior care shared with trustees

JHF staff, board members, and guests broke bread July 29 while discussing how Spain cares for its seniors and those living with dementia. Trustees David Ehrenwerth, Debra L. Caplan, Elliot Oshrey, and Steve Irwin; and Tomi Waters, DEd....
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Adieu, 2019 Summer Interns

​The staff of the Jewish Healthcare Foundation bids a fond farewell to 11 emerging healthcare leaders who shared their enthusiasm, talent, and insights through the 10-week summer 2019 internship. The interns explored the foundational p...
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Geisinger Health System shares maternal healthcare practices

Nestled in the hills of northeastern Pennsylvania is one of the commonwealth's leaders in healthcare innovation. Geisinger Health System played host on July 17 to more than two dozen Pittsburghers eager to learn from its best practices...
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JHF Trustee Profile: Debra L. Caplan, Executive-in-Residence of the Forbes Funds, President of HobartHumphrey LLC

Debra L. Caplan has never shied away from a challenge. Throughout her working life, she has jumped enthusiastically into new situations, putting in long days and nights, and learning by doing. The reward has been a fulfilling career st...
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Staff Profile: Anneliese Perry, MS, Senior Quality Improvement Specialist

Anneliese Perry began her career working with young people, but found her calling with older adults. "I volunteered to work with a 93-year-old woman named Evelyn," Perry said. "She lived on her own in a senior high-rise, and needed hel...
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Recent social work/public health graduates join Jewish Healthcare Foundation

Kylea Covaleski, MPH, MSW, is a Program Assistant primarily focused on Senior Connections. Previously she worked as a program coordinator for the Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Project at the University of Pittsburgh, as a graduate re...
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It was one WHAM of a weekend

The Women's Health Activist Movement Global (WHAMglobal) connected with hundreds of women and girls on June 8 and 9 with two public events on the theme of "Birthing A Movement." WHAMglobal's mission is to identify the root causes of ma...
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Maternal Health-Focused Patient Safety Fellowship Kicks Off

Where is the safest and most comprehensive perinatal program in Pennsylvania? How are maternal health practitioners factoring "implementation science" into their programs? On June 4, this summer's Patient Safety Fellowship kicked off w...
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AIDS Free Pittsburgh, Partners Celebrate Pride with Party + Biomedical Awareness

 While the number of documented HIV infections in Allegheny County has declined over the past two years, the rate of infection reported among black men who have sex with men (MSM, in clinic parlance) is alarmingly high compared wi...
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