Steelers Mask-Wearing Signs Distributed Throughout Region
Type: News
The Jewish Healthcare Foundation completed a successful lawn sign campaign in partnership with the Steelers to promote mask wearing to stop the spread of COVID-19. The signs featured Steelers' players and slogans of reminders to wear a mask. 36 organizations requested signs, which JHF created and delivered free of charge. 2,000 signs were sent out and posted in communities across the Pittsburgh region and Pennsylvania. In addition, Giant Eagle also partnered to create window posters and signs using the Steelers' designs and posted them in 113 stores.
Captions. Photo 1: Chatham University President David Finegold with his "Winners Wear Masks" sign; Photo 2: The signs even made it onto the front page of a local newspaper in Cambria County, PA; Photo 3: Jewish Healthcare Foundation Board Chair Debra L. Caplan stands with her sign; Photo 4: Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative Board Co-Chair Steve Irwin poses with his sign; and Photo 5: Giant Eagle displayed posters for their customers.