Young Innovators Pitch Solutions for JHF Fellowship Finale

The inaugural Young Innovators Healthcare Fellowship, funded through grants from the Grable Foundation and the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation, concluded in August 2021 with a virtual finale event. In a collaborative and creative...
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Patient Safety Fellows Propose Innovative Models for Senior Living and Care

This summer's Patient Safety Fellowship concluded at the end of July, as groups of fellows presented four alternative and novel models of safer, better options for seniors across a variety of care and living contexts. The dearth of wor...
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New Patient Safety Fellowship Examines Safety in Senior Residences

The pandemic has revealed, at a staggering level, the safety issues facing the frailest older adults in various long-term care settings. Although these challenges are not new, the pandemic has created broad inertia to explore new model...
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High Schoolers Design Tech Solutions in Young Innovators Healthcare Fellowship

On June 17th, the Jewish Healthcare Foundation (JHF) launched its first-ever summer fellowship for high school students, the Young Innovators Healthcare Fellowship, funded through grants from the Grable Foundation and the Benedum Found...
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2021 Death and Dying Fellowship Concludes

The all-virtual 2021 Jewish Healthcare Foundation Death and Dying Fellowship concluded its nine-session run on March 22. The Fellowship takes on the challenge that professionals are not well prepared to deal with death, dying, and grie...
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Death and Dying Fellowship Launches Virtually in 2021

The Jewish Healthcare Foundation (JHF)'s 2021 Death and Dying Feinstein Fellowship began with the first session on January 25. The Death & Dying Fellowship takes on a key challenge: the reality that professionals are not well prepa...
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Salk Fellowship Celebrates International Year of the Nurse and Midwife

The 2020 Salk Health Activist Fellowship concluded on November 19th, culminating in a project to connect the 27 fellows with legislators. The fellows reflected on how the fellowship experience will impact them as the push for healthcar...
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Salk Fellows Receive Overview of Policy Process and Insights

Take an insider's look at our recent Salk Health Activist Fellowship session from October 13, where Fellows learned about the policy process from Sarah Pesi, MPP, Teen Engagement and Outreach Coordinator at the Jewish Community Center ...
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Salk Fellowship Kicks Off Aimed at Successful Maternity Policy Change

The Salk Health Activist Fellowship commenced on September 21st with 29 enthusiastic Fellows, ready to build their advocacy skills and tackle maternal health issues. As the United States heads toward a critical election, maternal healt...
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Death and Dying Fellowship Model Shared as Continuing Education for Funeral Directors

On September 23rd, JHF COO/Chief Program Officer Nancy Zionts presented a two-hour continuing education session entitled "Grief in an Era of COVID-19" for over 200 funeral directors gathered in Cleveland, Ohio. While the funeral direct...
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Patient Safety Fellows Model the Response Needed for Future Emergencies

As it happens every summer at the Jewish Healthcare Foundation (JHF), nearing the end of the season brings with it the conclusion of the Patient Safety Fellowship. In the record of JHF's Feinstein Fellowships, however, the 2020 Patient...
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Largest Patient Safety Fellowship Yet Set to Examine the Response to COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has wrought havoc on every area of the U.S. healthcare system. Its impact hasn't stopped cascading across healthcare specialties and regions, and leaders of the future will need to understand all the intricacies o...
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Death and Dying Fellows Equipped with Critically Relevant Skills

As health systems across the country scramble to keep pace with the COVID-19 pandemic, one skill in high demand is navigating end of life conversations and decisions. The pandemic has created some new challenges for families, including...
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Tree of Life Shooting Survivor Returns to Speak with Death & Dying Fellows

There are few conversations as difficult as those that surround the death of a loved one. Learning how to compassionately and thoughtfully walk into those moments is at the heart of the Jewish Healthcare Foundation's Death and Dying Fe...
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Sixth Annual Death and Dying Fellowship Begins

Everyone has preferences for how they'd like to be cared for in their final days, but too often those preferences are not taken into account because they are not discussed – not by patients, family or providers. According to a 2016 Kai...
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Salk Fellows pitch solutions to transform medical error

On November 21, over 60 people gathered at the QIT Center to attend the 2019 Salk Health Activist Fellowship Finale to hear five fellows pitch their political platform to address medical error. The invite-only event featured a diverse ...
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Salk Fellowship Brings Campaign Approach to Medical Error

As the United States prepares for an important election year, the discussion of health care has once again taken center stage, yet the unconscionable tragedy of deaths from medical error continues to be ignored. Following the first Wor...
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Maternal Health-Focused Patient Safety Fellowship Kicks Off

Where is the safest and most comprehensive perinatal program in Pennsylvania? How are maternal health practitioners factoring "implementation science" into their programs? On June 4, this summer's Patient Safety Fellowship kicked off w...
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Death & Dying Fellowship Concludes With Post-Gazette Feature Story

The 2019 Death & Dying Fellowship concluded on April 1 with the fellows practicing their skills in conducting end-of-life conversations, after receiving guidance from guest speaker Dr. Bob Arnold, chief of Palliative Care and Medic...
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Participants Sought for Practicing End-of-Life Conversations at Death & Dying Fellowship on April 1

The JHF and Health Careers Futures Fellowship on Death and Dying concludes on April 1 with 33 Fellows practicing their skills in conducting end-of-life conversations. Many of the faculty from throughout the Fellowship will be participa...
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