JHF Gives Leading Presentation on Senior Health Care of the Future at AJAS Conference

Innovators such as Amazon and Uber have disrupted the retail and transportation industries, and health care is not far Behind. With more than 72 million Baby Boomers in the United States driving consumer trends, these companies have se...
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Ed Gainey, Terry Starz Lead Fit with a Legislator; Upcoming Fit Events Sept. 7, 26

Some 25 participants joined state Rep. Ed Gainey and Jewish Healthcare Foundation board member Terry Starz, MD, for a walk August 20 as part of JHF's Fit with a Legislator program. Co-sponsored by JHF's Senior Connections and AARP...
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Findings about Spain’s senior care shared with trustees

JHF staff, board members, and guests broke bread July 29 while discussing how Spain cares for its seniors and those living with dementia. Trustees David Ehrenwerth, Debra L. Caplan, Elliot Oshrey, and Steve Irwin; and Tomi Waters, DEd....
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JHF Leads Information Sessions About Care for Older Adults, Nursing Home Residents

Over the past six years, Jewish Healthcare Foundation (JHF) has served as the lead education partner to improve the quality of care and reduce avoidable hospitalizations among Pennsylvania's long-stay nursing home residents. Nancy Zion...
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Dementia Friendly Communities Growing in Pennsylvania

Currently, there are over 400,000 Pennsylvanians, age 65 and older, living with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. By 2025, that number will rise to 450,000, impacting approximately 675,000 care partners. That is over one million...
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Senior Connections for Recreation and Exercise Continues to Motivate People

 The Jewish Healthcare Foundation (JHF) has continued to grow its Senior Connections programs since its 2016 launch. Senior Connections partner Venture Outdoors recently launched its new online application Venture Outdoors Walks. ...
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Consumer Technology Association Foundation supports Virtual Senior Academy with 50K grant

The CTA Foundation recently approved a $50,000 grant to the Jewish Healthcare Foundation to increase participation in the Virtual Senior AcademyTM and grow its Tech Buddy program. The Consumer Technology Association (CTA) Foundation, h...
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JHF Staff Conduct Study Tour of Spain's Dementia Strategies

Before and during the April 10-12 International Women's Forum conference in Barcelona, JHF staff studied the outstanding work in Alzheimer's research and senior care in Spain, which has one of the world's highest longevity rates. JHF P...
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'Closure' Program Adapted for Course at CMU's Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

Extending the Foundation's work in end-of-life issues, two members of the JHF team recently taught a class at Carnegie Mellon University's Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. "Closure: Discussing the Last Chapter" was led by Judith Blac...
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Dementia Friends Receives Grant from Jefferson Regional to Serve the South Hills

Dementia Friends Pennsylvania, a program of the Jewish Healthcare Foundation, has received a $25,000 grant from the Jefferson Regional Foundation Board of Directors. The grant will help fund Dementia Friends Pennsylvania to empower the...
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Down with Ageism: JHF Supports Events With Ashton Applewhite

The decision to underwrite Ashton Applewhite's March 19 talk in the Pittsburgh Arts & Lectures series was an easy one. The author of "This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism" advocates a message that coincides with JHF's work ...
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