HIV/AIDS Fiscal Agency

JHF has been the fiscal agent for HIV/AIDS funding in southwestern Pennsylvania since 1992, including funding from the Ryan White Part B, State 656, and Housing and Urban Development – Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HUD HOPWA) in the 11-county southwestern Pennsylvania region.

In this capacity, the Foundation manages funds from multiple government funding sources, providing oversight, monitoring, data reporting, quality management, technical assistance, and funding to the AIDS Service Organization (ASO) grantees under its agency. These ASOs facilitate the delivery of healthcare, supportive, and housing services to eligible individuals living with HIV, and prevention/education services to at-risk populations.

Currently, the program administers funding for the Department of Health of Southwestern Pennsylvania and 16 sub-grantee provider organizations.

Through the fiscal agency, in 2012, JHF launched the Minority AIDS Initiative, and is working with 11 AIDS Service Organizations (ASOs) across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to re-engage HIV-positive individuals who are not receiving treatment.

2019-2022 Southwestern PA Regional HIV Needs Assessment

2017 Southwestern PA Regional HIV Needs Assessment Final Report

F. JHF Dental Procedures

G. PA DOH Research Based Interventions

H. PA DOH Program Service Standards

I. Monitoring Forms

J. RW Part B Manual

K. HHS Grants Policy Statement

L. HHS Poverty Guidelines

M. PA Audit Requirements

N. PA Computer Requirements

O. PA Standard General Terms

P. CLAS Standards

Q1. Disclosure to client info PA 255.5

Q2. HOPWA 24 CRF 574

Q3. Confidentiality of HIV info 35 PS

Q4. Confidentiality of Records 42 USC 290dd-2

Q5. Confidentiality of Records 71 PS 1690.180

Q6. OMB Circular A-122 Cost Principles

Q7. Human Relations Act 43 PS 951-963

Q8. Recertification PCN 21-02

Q9. QM Plans PCN 15-02

Q10. Eligibility Allowable Use PCN 16-02

Q11. PHSA Title XXVI HIV Program

R. QM Plan Template

S. Commonwealth Travel and Subsistence Rates

T. Federal Lobbying Certification and Disclosure

U. Pro-Children Act of 1994