BH Fellows Welcomes Its Largest Cohort Yet

Type: News

Focus Area: Workforce Development

The BH Fellows program welcomed its sixth and largest cohort during a kickoff retreat on February 19 at the National Aviary. The new cohort includes an expansion for the program into a new service area – the Community Treatment Team – that has recently faced significant strain on its existing staff and high vacancy rates. This new cohort of BH Fellows is composed of 28 dedicated family-based therapists, service coordinators, nurses, peer specialists, and other professionals from seven different agencies in Allegheny County.

Since its launch in 2023, BH Fellows has made a meaningful impact in reducing the number of unfilled positions for key community-based behavioral health service roles. The program offers loan repayment assistance, competitive salaries, and professional development opportunities to those that make a two-year commitment. JHF facilitates a cohort-based training model that fosters peer support and professional growth, ensuring that participants are well-equipped to make a lasting difference in the community.

With now over 125 current fellows, BH Fellows has been recognized as a key workforce initiative to support the behavioral health services. The program, created and managed in partnership with the Allegheny County Department of Human Services, Community Care Behavioral Health, Community Family Advocates, and the Jewish Healthcare Foundation, remains dedicated to recruiting and supporting current behavioral health professionals at a time when their expertise is needed more than ever.

Applications for the next BH Fellows cohort are now open through April 1 for those looking to secure a job with a sponsoring provider in an eligible role. Visit the BH Fellows website to learn more and apply.

BH Fellows Retreat